
Multi-Threaded I/O

Take a look at any metrology lab and its equipment. Take note of all the equipment not being utilized.

Other metrology software packages require all standards to be connected to a station, even if the equipment is not being used. Metrology.NET handles unconnected standards with no problem and allows you to run simultaneous calibrations on a single workstation, even if you only have one GPIB card.

Multi-Threaded Message base I/O: What if we designed software so each test process ran on its own thread, taking advantage of multi-core microprocessors?  How would all of that work?

We figured it out.

How many calibrations can run at once on a single workstation depends on a few variables. How complex is the calibration? How fast is the workstation computer? How much memory does the workstation computer have? So far, we have run as many as 4 calibrations at the same time!