Abstract: Digitalization of business processes is essential for future metrology, and all stakeholders, such as calibration labs, customers, and Accreditation Bodies (ABs), will need to move into the 21st century. A critical use-case for digitization is the process of verifying…
Meatest 9010 Multifunction Calibrator

Metrology.NET® now supports the Meatest 9010 and 9010+. More information about the 9010 More information about the 9010+
Low-Code to No-Code: A Software Development Revolution
Now we are witnessing the next evolution in software development: the “Low-Code to No-Code Revolution.” This is going to be a game-changer—even bigger than Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Today novice programmers can create powerful applications with little to no knowledge of…
Creating Sustainable Metrology Software
We are currently in a 30 year old software rut. There is nothing new on the market designed specifically for metrology. This paper is on both the direction the rest of the software industry is headed and how we adapted…
An MII-Aware SoA Editor for the Industrial Internet of Things
Abstract: Scope of Accreditation (SoA) is a detailed official statement that certifies a calibration laboratory (CL) for the services it provides. The central part of the accreditation process encompasses the assessment and formulation of the SoA. The traditional workflow for…
Using Metrology.NET® to Calculate ISO/IEC 17025 Uncertainties for Fluke MET/CAL®
Abstract: Writing automated calibrations and controlling test equipment is easy. But once you have the automation working, now it’s time to calculate the uncertainties. Often calculating uncertainties and documenting the results takes longer than writing the actual procedure. Then there…
Creating a Standardized Schema for Representing ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of Accreditations in XML Data
Abstract: This paper discusses the progress made in a proof-of-concept effort to develop a standardized way of expressing a calibration laboratory’s capabilities and ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of Accreditation (SOA) in an XML format. The goal is to define a standardized…
How to Add Dynamic Measurement Uncertainties to Any Metrology Software
Description: Changing the approach to measurement uncertainties allows software systems and users to share the same resources. How to Add Dynamic Measurement Uncertainties to Any Metrology Software Quality Magazine | October 2015
Metrology.NET™ – ISO 17025 Uncertainty Calculations
Description: A slide presentation showing how to perform uncertainty calculations in Metrology.NET™, using Microsoft® Excel files and REST calls to communicate with the built-in Uncertainty Calculator. ISO 17025 Uncertainty Calculations Onur ÇETİNER, M.Sc.EE Spark Kalibrasyon Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.
An Enterprise Resource View of Metrology Software Systems
Abstract: Software running on a single computer or platform is a thing of the past. Today’s metrology software needs to be scalable, flexible, and dynamic. It must be designed to integrate with enterprise business systems, taking full advantage of distributed…